Class of 2009

Leadership Program of the Rockies

Ted Vail , Class President
Laura Leathers , Class Vice President
Rick Akin
Bill Banta
Brad Beck
Don Beezley
Michael Berglund
Michael “Rip” Blaisdell
Ted Bosley
Crystal Bouziden
Rachel Boxer
Ed Brewer
Chris Briggs
John Carson
Laura Chartrand
Roger Dael
Athena Dalton
Matt Dardenne
Mellani Day
Steve Farr
Kevin Grantham
Curt Grina
Leslie Hansen
Todd Hauer
Sean Hawkins
Gary Hoover
Diana Hsieh
Kevin Kelly
Kendall Koff
Karen Korins
Jenny Lang
Thom LeDoux
Kimmi Lewis
David Manley
Jim Manley
Ben Martin
Kate Melvin
Rich Mitchell
Rick Newton
Steven Olson
Teri Olson
Val Orr
Cherri Parks
Tom Peterson
Kimberly Peticolas
Barbara Pierson
Jason Pock
Randy Reed
John Ricks
Bill Saxby
Sue Sharkey
Evelyn Spicer
Tammy Swanson
Jonathan Tee
Amanda Teresi
Class Vice-President
Scott Werner
David Williams
David Wolf
Jane Young