The 2011-12 LPR class has graduated in splendid style. This year’s graduates earned their diplomas and lapel pins, acquired stacks of books and papers, and have landed prominent places on the rolls of accomplished fellow graduates.
The immediate celebration at the home of LPR president Shari Williams was icing on the cake, and a joyous wrap-up to the final session with LPR classmates. It was another spirited occasion to introduce spouses to LPR colleagues who, in a short time, have become more than friends but purposeful allies in the holy cause of Liberty.
As has become a recent tradition, the final class session concluded with Gordon Riggle’s well-known and sagacious presentations on leadership. Though the previous eight classes focused upon leadership from the standpoint of understanding the maturity of law, historic trends, the proclivities of human nature and the behavior of groups, Riggle’s presentation zeroed in on the unique characteristics of leaders themselves.
The case studies of Riggle’s lectures brought into consideration heroes and villains – all leaders nonetheless. Churchill, Roosevelt, Patton, King, Reagan, Giuliani and others were considered for their heroic instincts during moments of truth. Hitler, Koresh, bin Laden and others of their sort were considered for their charismatic appeals toward destructive ambitions.
LPR’s ninth and final session punctuated a reality that too few Americans venture to associate with themselves – the certain idea that one individual really can change the world. Opportunities to do so don’t regularly and plainly present themselves, but when they do, the preparation of leaders to secure the moment for liberty’s sake is of inestimable global value.
Riggle’s session provided many examples of single individuals, whose vision for human dignity was so clear and omnipresent that, even in the face of harrowing adversity, they could always lead the way to glory. The gratifying reality for LPR is that there are actually many in this year’s graduating class who are in possession of these same leadership qualities.
It is beyond prediction whether their next moment of truth will be direct or distant. What is certain, however, is the comforting reality that LPR graduates are prepared and have the power to change the world – individually; and they know it.