Read to Lead
“People who don’t read cheat themselves. By not reading, you limit what you can achieve, make mistakes you could avoid, and miss opportunities that could improve your life. Soon, as the gaps in your knowledge become apparent to others, you must reconcile yourself to not being taken seriously.” – Morton C. Blackwell, Founder and President of The Leadership Institute.
Below is a list of 26 books you should read (courtesy of The Leadership Institute):
The Seven Fat Years by Robert Bartley
The Law by Frederic Bastiat
Up from Liberalism by William F. Buckley, Jr.
Selected Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke Collected by Dr. Peter Stanlis
Suicide of the West by James Burnham
Witness by Whittaker Chambers
Ronald Reagan by Dinesh D’Souza
Advise and Consent by Allen Drury
The Theme Is Freedom by M. Stanton Evans
Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman
Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater
The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek
The Fatal Conceit by F. A. Hayek
Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
Dedication and Leadership by Douglas Hyde
Modern Times by Paul Johnson
The Conservative Mind by Dr. Russell Kirk
Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin
The Rise of Radicalism by Eugene Methvin
Defense of Freedom by Frank Meyer
What Is Conservatism? by Frank Meyer
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall by William Riordon
Knowledge and Decisions by Thomas Sowell
The New Right: We’re Ready To Lead by Richard Viguerie
Ideas Have Consequences by Richard Weaver